Today is the 2nd year Anniversary of me having RSD. It's hard to believe that it has been 2 years to the day that I fell down those steps and sprained my ankle ... sometimes it feels like a life time again whilst on other days, it feels like just yesterday.
It's hard to believe that all of this could be caused just by falling down about 3 steps. All I did was sprain my ankle and ever since that day, I have been dealing with excrutiating pain and horrible Dystonia's caused by the RSD!!
It's been a pretty tough day for me so far. I am in a pretty huge pain flare at the moment and I don't think the added emotions/stresses of having to deal with my Anniversary are helping that much either. Still, i'm trying to focus on the positives though and realise that I have come quite a long way since I developed RSD. I am no where near better and still deal with pain of an 8 and a half on the pain scale on a daily basis, my leg is still extremely rotated and nothing I or anyone else can do has helped it so far, my limbs still turn blue and I am dealing with a suspected spread of the RSD to my left arm BUT in some respects, I have come a long way!!
This time last year, I couldn't walk and was wheelchair bound as my legs would just shoot out in front of me whenever I tried to walk and I would fall to the ground. My mum and dad had to literally carry me everywhere I went and it made simple tasks extremely difficult. I then went onto the Intense Physiotherapy Program in London and the Physio's there learnt me how to walk again. It was extremely tough but without that program, who knows where I would be today! Yes, I still deal with LOTS of pain on a daily basis and I have to use my wheelchair long distances BUT I can get around the house and school now and for that, I am extremely grateful as some people just aren't so lucky!!
I have learnt a lot since developing RSD and I feel it has made me a stronger person. I have dealt with sooo many emotions and tough times and have felt like giving in more times than enough but I am still here and trying to "cope" and live my life to the best of my ability, even though I have lots of limitations.
Have I fully accpeted that I have RSD?? OMG, no way!! I don't think I will ever be able to fully accept that I have RSD but I have learnt to try and get on with life, even though it is extremely hard sometimes when I cant do things that normal teenagers do. I have learnt not to take everything for granted and I am truly grateful for everything that I can do, despite the limitations that may be involved.
So even though today is tough and upsetting for me, I am trying my darn hardest not to focus on the negatives and to focus on the things that I CAN do!
Here's hoping that the next year will see the end of my battle against RSD and that I will be able to live a normal, pain-free live and do all of the things that I want to do!
Got it!
I got the house! Woot woot. I am happy and moved to tears from all the
support of my friends and family.
12 years ago