It was my mums Birthday yesterday so we went to the theme park, Alton Towers. One of my friends and her mum came with us too which was really nice.
The theme park is really big and although we took lots of breaks, my leg REALLY hurt. Because I have RSD, we get a disabled pass which means that we can get on the rides straight away which is easier as at least that way, we don't have to wait around for ages to get on them.
We got on quite a few rides. They hurt my leg quite a lot as they threw us around but I didn't want to ruin it for my friend and mum so decided to go on them. My friends mum has just had back surgery so couldn't go on a lot of the rides so my mum went and sat with her most of the day to keep her company.
I really enjoyed yesterday but have really been paying for it today!!! I have been in bed all day and only got in the bath tub and that took all of the energy out of me. I really hate that no matter how much you try and not let RSD rule your life, it always seems to. It's SO hard trying to plan a trip out somewhere as I always know that i'm going to pay for it the next day if I overdo things. We took it pretty easy yesterday but I guess RSD has a mind of it's own!! It really gets to me at times when I see my friends out and about having fun and i'm sat in the house because of RSD - I just wish I could be a normal, carefree teenager!!!
Heres some of the pictures of my friend, Jess and I on some of the rides.
Me and Jess on the Runaway Mine Train. It's only a pretty small ride for young kids but it lasts quite a while so was good for a sit down!!

Jess and I on Rita: Queen of Speed. I love this ride and so did Jess! It goes from 0 to 60mph in 2.5 seconds!!

Me and Jess on Air. This ride is so strange - one minute you are sat upright and the next you know, you are laid flat on your stomach!! When it goes upside down, you are laid on your back - so cool!!! I'm not sure what happened to my fingers on this pic - it looks like i've got an additional finger lol!!

I'm off to go and lay down now as it's getting pretty late over here and i'm tired and hurting. I'm hoping that if I can get a good nights sleep, i'll feel better tomorrow!
Belated happy birthday to your mom (or mum as how you guys say it.)
Well, or so you did pay for it. But hey, you had a ball!
I've had RSD since I was 10. It really blows to deal with this disease at such a young age. Take heart, though, the first few years are the worst, but it gets easier as you learn to cope better.
Keep going fun places, even though you pay for it. As I look back I only remember the trips to the park, and not the day after.
Good for you for going out and having fun - and as you said, working to not let RSD run your life! As Lissa wisely noted, we tend to remember the fun and not the day after... good words to remember and live by, Lissa!
I know, some days are much harder to cope with than others, but know we're here rooting for you and know you can succeed at whatever you set your mind to!
OH! And gosh those photos look like SO much fun! I'm pretty chicken about 'scary' rides, but I think I could handle the runaway mine train! :)
It looks like you had a great day! But it does suck that we pay for it later. We went to a theme park place a couple of weeks ago and although I only went on a couple of kiddie rides, I was a write off for days afterwards. Of course it was worth it as we had a great family day full of fun memories, but it would be nice to just get on with our lives afterwards instead of being stuck in bed!
I hope you're doing ok now.
x Kate ("Cake" on Neurotalk)
hey ali, i'm ali too (yes same spelling and everything!) i'm 15 years old from pittsburgh, pennnsylvania, usa. i was diagnosed with rnd last month, i've been suffering since 2007 though, being told it was just growing pains. on my good days its an 8/10 on the doctor's pain scale, on a bad day it's off the chart. i'm on the waiting list to go into inpatient treatment at the Children's Institute. I'm hoping I can get in soon, I'm at a point now where I can barely walk. If you'd want to talk sometime, I have
facebook - aim - xxxalisonlynn
and email -
i hope to hear from you soon, good luck!
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