I'm just beside myself at the moment with shock, guilt and sorrow.
We got a phone call yesterday morning about 9.30am UK time from my grandma (dads mum). She was really worried and said that my grandad had collapsed and that he wasn't breathing and that she didn't know what to do. My mum called an ambulance and my dad rushed round to check on them both.
The Ambulace didn't take right long to come and when they got into my nanans house, they immediately started to do CPR on my grandad to try and get his heart beating again. My nanan and dad asked my mum to go round to their house also so that she could sort things out and my mum said the doctors were working on my grandad for about half an hour in the house before they were able to get him into the ambulance and rush him to the hospital.
When they eventually were able to take my grandad to the hospital, they had to have a police car escort them to try and give my grandad the best possible chance of surviving. My mum took my nanan to the hospital, and my dad came round to check on me and tell me to get ready has my nanan wanted me at the hospital.
When my grandad got into the hospital, the doctors immediately started to do CPR on him again and started wiring him up to all sorts of machines. My mum and nanan wasn't allowed to go in to see my grandad, has it was too dangerous with all of the machines.
The Doctors worked on my grandad for about an hour but unfortunately, he didn't make it and passed away.
When I arrived at the hospital with my parents, most of my family were there. The nurses and my nanan had called everyone and told them to get through to the hospital immediately.
The nurses allowed us to go and see my grandad and say our goodbyes. I went in with my mum, dad and grandma and I have to say, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. We all broke down in tears and my nanan started shouting that she wanted him back and that this wasn't fair. Seeing my grandad laid on the bed with tubes hung out of his mouth really hit me and the reality set in that this would probably be the last time I would ever see my grandad.
We stayed at the hospital for a few hours with my family and we were allowed to go in and see my grandad as much as we wanted but I wouldn't go in again has it was far too distressing. My nanan went in with my uncle to comfort him though.
The nurses explained a few things to us and said that it is suspected that my grandad had a massive heart attack but because it was so sudden, they are having to do a post-mortum. The doctors believe that my grandad passed away within 30 seconds of him collapsing and that he didn't look to be in too much pain thankfully.
When we got home, we went and stayed with my nanan for a bit to comfort her and get her a few things. She couldn't really be in the house on her own has it was too upsetting. She kept looking and staring into the chair where my grandad usually sat (and where he also collapsed) and it was so heartbreaking to see.
My grandad wanted a cremation so that is what we are having done. There will be a lot of people at the funeral has my grandad was loved by everyone and no one had a bad word to say about him. The Undertaker is calling my nanan sometime tomorrow morning to start and sort things out and put things in place.
I am a lot more upset today than I was yesterday. I can't eat hardly. Can't sleep. Don't want a drink or anything. I think yesterday I was in shock and just wanted this to all be a big nightmare and that I would wake up and everything would be OK but now I know it isn't.
I SO wish I told my grandad I loved him more often. Wish I didn't say all of the things I said about him not understanding my RSD. Wish I saw him more. There are so many things I wish I did and so many "If only's" but I know they aren't going to help.
I just feel so guilty about everything I said to my grandad. There are so many things I would have done differently and I SO wish I could just turn back time and everything would be OK.
It just goes to show that life is so fragile and if I could say one thing to my fellow blog readers, it would be to tell your family and friends and loved ones that you love them often as you just don't know what is around the corner.
I better go as i'm in tears here...