We have had the tickets for a few months now and have really been looking forward to going to see her. One of my mums work collegues went to see her in London though and she wasn't impressed by her. My mum was going to sell the tickets after what her friend told her but we decided that we would go and see for ourselves what she was like!!!
Ciara was supposed to have been the support act for Britney however for some reason, she wasn't there!!! Me and my mum were really looking forward to seeing her as we really like her! There were quite a few other people complaining also as no one had told them that she wouldn't be there, there was just a sign on entry stating that she wasn't performing that night.
I'm not sure if any of you know Ciara but she is quite popular and has done some songs with Justin Timberlake, Enrique Inglesias etc. I was pretty upset about not getting to see her but decided that we came to see Britney more than anyone else and would probably still have a good time!!!!
Seeing as Ciara wasn't performing they had some circus acts come and perform lots of circus routines that left the audience stunned!!! I honestly don't know how they did some of the acts that they did - they must be VERY talented people!!!!
After the circus act had finished, the audience went wild as music blasted through the stereos and Britney was introduced to the stage by Prez Hilton who had put a video together all about the pop princess which was pretty strange but funky at the same time!!!!
Britney certainly put on a show. She was fantastic to watch live and I am SOO glad we didn't sell the tickets!!!! All of her dance routines were great and the show had been excellently choreographed!!!
As most people know, Britney doesn't perform live; she mimes. It would be pretty much impossible to sing AND dance like she does at the same time! Even though she mimed though, it was still good and everyone had a great time singing and dancing to all of the music!!!!
Britney had lots of dancers with her; both male and female. I must admit that some of the male dancers were rather lush with their six packs and they certainly made all of the women and teenage girls happy!!! All of the women in the room screamed as they came to the stage and danced away!!!!
After about every second song, Britney descended below the stage to quickly get changed into another outfit. Me and my mum were laughing as they had spent a lot of money on the concert but yet couldn't seem to afford to buy her any clothes lol !! She was in skimpy numbers or bra's and knickers throughout most of the concert but I guess that is pretty for you!!
Whilst Britney was away getting changed, the circus act came back on to do some quick circus routines ago which were excellent! It was really good how they did it as no one was bored in the audience whilst waiting for her to get changed!
Britney didn't do many of her old songs, i'm not sure why. The only old ones she really did were 'Hit Me Baby One More Time', 'Toxic' and a few others. It was OK though as I knew most of her songs and even the ones I didn't were good due to all of the dance routines that she did!
As she sang 'Everytime', I got a bit upset as the song reminded me about my grandad who passed away last November. It wasn't Britney's fault obviously, I guess some songs just make me pretty emotional as I think about the lyrics as I can relate to them and I am still grieving a bit.
Whilst she sang Everytime, she was suspended above the stage in the air on a really nice chair in lovely fancy dress outfits!! It was really good how they choreographed it and made it fit in with the song!!!
I am really glad that we didn't sell the tickets as she was fantastic!! I am paying for going now due to all of the noise aggrivating my leg but it was definitiely work it! Me and my mum have already said that we would go and see her again on her next tour if/when she does one!!!
What was strange about the concert was as I couldn't walk far, me and my mum were sat in the disabled seating area. I was sat next to a women who had had a knee operation a few months ago and still could hardly walk. As she was coming into the arena, she fell and jarred her knee and it became extremely painful so she had to get her husband to go and get her wheelchair from the car and ask the arena doctor to get her a bandage. Throughout the concert though, I kept noticing that like me, whenever there was a vibration, she would jump in pain and pull a funny face. I just kept thinking to myself that what she was doing semt all too familiar and I could totally relate to what she was going through. I was actually going to ask her if she had heard of RSD or been diagnosed with it but didn't get chance and I didn't want her to think I was being noisy!! It was just strange though how she kept jumping with the vibrations. She told the arena doctor that she was seeing a doctor for her problems so hopefully she will get sorted soon!!
Heres a few pictures from the concer for those of you that are interested!! My mum took them with the digital camera as we were allowed to take pictures!!
The Acrobats performing. The Acrobatic somehow managed to put the frame on his nose and balance out whilst spinning round and it never moved - amazing!!!!
The acrobats performing again. The acrobatic in the air somehow managed to do a roly-poly onto the tightrope/wire without falling over and injuring herself!!!!
Britney Spears taking to the stage and dancing to her first song!!!
Britney Singing and Dancing with the Acrobatics Performing in the Air at the same time!
Britney Dancing with the Acrobats!!
Britney Dancing with the Male Dancers!!
Britney Dancing in a Cage that she was locked in!!
Britney Dancing in the Cage!
Britney Dancing with her Dancers
Britney Pole Dancing in a very Small Number!!
Britney was put into the above 'box' and somehow managed to get out and go to the other side of the stage without any of the audience seeing her!!
Britney With the Male Dancers trying to get her onto the Motorbike!
Britney Performing with all of the Dancers. I am officialy obsessed with the 2 male dancers - they are soo cute and fit!
Britney Dancing Again
Britney in a very nice, sparkly fancy dress outfit!
Britney performing 'Everytime' in the air suspended about the stage!!
Britney with all of her Dancers!!
Britney Dancing with the Male Dancers!!
Britney Performing with the Male Dancer
Britney at the end of the show with all of her Dancers!
Britney saying Bye to all of the audience at the end of the show!!!
You are right on, sweety. Every woman I speak to with advanced RSD has a horrible time during her period. I think it has to do with swelling/bloating, so I take water pills and they help. Isn't it awful?
So glad you had fun!!!
Glad you had a great time to keep your mind off your problem once in a while. People simply have different tastes like your mom's friend.
Thanks for the pictures.
So glad you had fun! Great pictures! Britney announced recently that she's touring Australia but I was debating whether or not to go because of the whole miming thing...looks like the circus acts might make up for that! =D
Thank you all! It was nice to get out for a little bit and have some fun and just try and be a 'normal' teenager for a short period of time! I'm really paying for it now but i'm so glad I went !!!
Maria - Thank you for the comment! I totally understand what you mean about periods. I hate it when it is that time of the month as my pain really goes up and all of the other symptoms get so much worse also! It makes me wonder whether theres an hormonal link to RSD. I know my dr was thinking the same thing a few months ago and was going to do some research into it but we never heard anything else about it. I'm glad the water tablets help you - i'll have to look into them - thanks for the suggestion! Take care of yourself hun!
Pian - Thanks for reading and commenting! I think my mums friend didn't enjoy the concert that much as Britney had a dwarf with her and she is scared of little people lol! My mum said she totally freaks out if she sees anyone small! Her daughter went with her and she enjoyed it though. I totally understand what you mean about it being good to get out for a bit and do something fun to escape from the pain. I hope you are doing well!
Caf - Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the pictures! It's good as we can take pics over here as long as we dont video tape the entire concert or annoy anyone else in the process! I'd try and get tickets to see Britney if you could as we really enjoyed it even though she was miming. The circus acts were great and Britney did some awsome dance routines! I hope you are able to get tickets if you want to go and have some fun :-) ! Take care!
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