Thursday, 4 June 2009

Preparing for the Future...

Today at the school centre, me and my teacher had a very long chat about what I want out of life and what carer I want etc.

I told her that I wanted a really good job and really wanted to be either a Psychologist or a Physiotherapist as I am really interested in that sort of stuff, especially now that I have RSD. I had always wanted to be a vet but now that I have RSD, I decided that I wanted to try and do something in the health field and work with people that are going through a similar thing to me.

On a Thursday at School, all of the kids do Drama for an hour and half in the morning. I never really liked Drama anyhow but seeing as though I got accepted onto the Health and Social Care Course at College from September, I will have to drop Drama and just focus on Maths, English, Science and ICT (Computers).

Myself and my teacher decided that doing Drama semt a bit pointless seeing as though I will be dropping it anytime soon so have decided to have some one-on-one time and focus on getting my Maths and English up to scratch.

In a few years, I have got my BIG important tests called GCSE's which I HAVE to pass in order to pass the Health and Social Care Course and get a good job in later life.

We have been doing lots of preperation for the exams and I have been given Romeo and Juliet to watch at home over the weekend.

From now on, every Thursday, I will work with my teachers on my own and do some of my GCSE work. It is hoped that maybe this way, it will be less stressful. I have missed out on a lot of school work due to my RSD so somehow need to try and catch up real fast.

It's quite scary to think that in less than 3 months, I will be starting a course at college and in 2 years time, I will be doing my all important exams!! Time seems to have really flown and I just hope that I will be able to concentrate enough in order to pass!

I'm off on a mini weekend break with my nanan tonight. We have a caravan (an home away from home sort of thing) at the seaside so we will be going there while Sunday as I don't have school tomorrow. It will be nice to get away for a bit and spend some quality time with my nanan and give myself a break also!

1 comment:

jeisea said...

Hi again.
Just dropped by to check how you're going. Looks like your future path is set. That's great news and something to focus on and work towards. I'm a retired teacher. I hope you don't mind if I suggest that you think about something that gives you pleasure as well as the study. If drama sounded good, is it possible to do something outside of school. You sound creative so is there an artistic/ crafty hobby which attracts. In my experience you need something to lighten the load and especially as you have RSD, you need to keep happy and keep stress down as much as possible.

Just a thought. Hope you don't mind.ouslyop