Saturday 24 January 2009

High School Musical!!

Me, my mum and one of her work collegues (who is also a friend of mine!) and her mum went to see High School Musical: The Ice Tour yesterday at an Arena near where we live!!!

On the way to my Physiotherapy appointment on Wednesday, I saw an advertisment about High School Musical and said it looked good but never thought anything of it really! My mum then went on the Internet and booked us tickets to go and see it - I was so excited!!

The performance was really good and all of the ice-skaters were excellent - it was fascinating to watch as they could just literally jump up and down on the ice and ride a bike without falling over!! The Cast looked just like they do in the movie; in fact, if you didn't know it wasn't the real cast, you would have thought it was as they looked so good!!!

The show was split in two different sections - they performed High School Muscial one and two but it was really clever how they did it!! Me and my mum have seen High School Musical performed in the West End of London but it wasn't on ice so it really made this one different and more interesting!!

I really enjoyed it and so did my mum and the others!! I am paying for it a lot now as there wasn't a lot of legroom yesterday and it's affected the pain in my leg and made my leg angry but it was definitely worth going to see and it was nice to get out of the house for a change!!


Alessea said...

Ice productions are wonderful aren't they? I saw Cinderella on Ice and always thought that one day that would be me performing, shame I had to give up skating due to my hip.

I'm so glad to hear that you are still out having fun despite the pain, that is the way to go, otherwise you just miss out and feel bad. Take care my friend, I'll speak to you soon...hope your school friend is ok too.
Oh, and your blog looks so pretty!

Hayley Cafarella said...

I saw High School Musical on ice when it was in Melbourne! I think my friend and I were the oldest people there...that weren't accompanying children...I don't think you ever get too old to not enjoy musicals, especially if they are chocked with a little teen angst :D

Lisa Moon said...

Wow, I thought I had fallen on the wrong blog for a moment! Your blog is so colourfully fun!

I'm happy you enjoyed HSM on Ice so much! Like Alessea said, it's so important to get out and DO things, despite knowing it will cost us with some more pain. I think we need to learn how to guesstimate how much is 'ok', to weigh the benefits of having something fun to do with perhaps a flare of pain... I know, I do the same thing all the time!

BUT, when I 'force' myself to go out and do something, often times the fun I have getting out and the sheer bliss of NOT being isolated is so worth it. Hopefully that is the case most often for you, too.

Are you back at school then? How are things with that neat new program?