We had a meeting this morning with my School. Me and my mum went to a centre around 5 miles away from where we live to see what it looked like and also if I would be able to go there and do my work instead of having to go to school.
The centre is really nice and pretty big. They have several rooms including a kitchen, computer room, indoor gym, tables to do your work etc. It is set out like a school but it is all in one building so you don't have to walk. The staff there were also really nice and friendly and very helpful, the introduced us to the kids and they seemed really nice and friendly.
After discussing things, the teacher said that if I wanted to go there that he couldn't see a problem and that I could start straight away if I wanted!! I couldn't believe it, I was so shocked!! We spoke some more about things and eventually decided that it looked really nice and that I wanted to go. I start this coming Friday ... I can't believe it!! I am so nervous and excited at the same time, it's surreal!!
The teachers were really interested in what was up with me and we explained a few things to them and they said that they would work around me and if I don't feel well on a particular day, that is fine, we just have to call them and let them know. If I don't feel well and start to feel better after a few hours I can also go in a bit later if I wanted to.
At the moment, I would just be going to the centre on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so that I get a rest after and so that hopefully I wont end up in a major flare. The centre can arrange for a taxi to pick me up from my house free of charge if we wanted but at the moment, my mum will be taking me there and back until I get used to it. There's only about 10 kids that go to the club and 3 staff so I will get a lot more one-to-one work than I do at school.
The teachers explained that we could either arrange it so that the school send me work, which would be fun has it took 6 months for them to send me any work or I could drop out of school and they would set all of my work. My mum feels that it's better if I drop out of school and allow them to arrange my subjects so that is what we are going to do, for now anyway. The money also goes straight to the centre so at least it isn't going to the school.
Wish me luck for this coming Friday!! ....
Today is Bonfire night so we are going to see some fireworks later although I will only be staying in the car. It should be fun though!!
Hi, Alison,
My name is Lisa; I found your blog through the lovely Felicia. :)
I, too, have CRPS/RSD, which started after an Achilles tendon injury to my left leg 2.5 years ago - although I was just diagnosed this past February!
As you surely know, it's a horrid, painful and scary disorder and I believe anyone who lives with it is very strong and brave.
I've read your posts for while now, but wanted to introduce myself. I can hardly believe your young age; you write very well and with great insight and maturity. I'll bet that living with RSD has contributed to that, for better or worse...
Glad to hear that an alternate for schooling seems to be coming together for you as keeping busy with studying is so important.
I'll be curious to hear how the oral ketamine helps you as no one has mentioned this option to me... mind you, I'm also receiving no other treatments, just some medications... but that's a long story and what I blather on about on my own new-ish blog!
I wish you the best of luck with everything and will continue to read your blog here. Thanks for writing and spreading the word.
Lisa in British Columbia, Canada
PS I actually had come across your videos on YouTube; my twitchy foot isn't that dramatic, but it's good to know that I'm not 'crazy' but having these wild twitches is part of RSD!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read and comment on my blog - I really appreciate it!
I am so sorry to hear that you also suffer from RSD ((hugs)). I agree with you, RSD is probably the most scariest condition to have at times.
I'm also sorry that you suffer from the myoclonic spasms, I know they can be very painful and annoying at times so I really hope you can get them sorted soon. And no, your not mad lol. Well if you are, we both are!!
Thanks again and take good care of yourself.
Love, Alison
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