Well, another week is over thankfully. I have all the weekend to relax ready for School again on Monday. The Weekends seem to go really fast but the School week just seems to go really slow!!
I took the day off School today has I wasn't feeling too good. I didn't get any sleep what so ever last night because of the pain in my leg and tooth - I was sat up on my Laptop at 3am English time!! Because the pain was so bad, I took a couple Tramadol's hoping that they would at least make me sleep but they didn't!! They used to always make me sleep so I can't figure out why they wont knock me out now ... I guess my body has just got used to it.
My mum recieved a call today from my Pain Management Doctor's nurse - I am going into hospital this coming Wednesday (the 22nd). I will be taken to theatre, have my leg manipulated and then a splint moulded to the shape of my foot ... the splint will then take about 2 weeks to make. Thankfully I am just staying in for the day - we have to be at the hospital at 8.30am and I am going to the Operating Room at 9.30am.
Even though I didn't go to School today, I still had my Home Tutoring. I didn't really feel up to it but I don't like missing so much School Work. My tutor came this after for about an hour and did some Math and English with me. In Math we are doing Algebra - I can't figure out how to do that at the moment but I have only just started doing it so hopefully it will sink in soon!! In English, I had to read a poem and then answer lots of questions about it which was pretty easy!! My mum emailed my teachers at School and they have arranged for me to do some ICT (computer) work at home, I am pretty good on the computer so hopefully I should be able to do everything that I need to do!!
I will only be at School 3 days at the most next week has Wednesday I am going into hopspital and Friday is a teacher training day. We are then off for a whole week for October Half Term. That should be nice has I will be able to have a break from everything!!!
I really hope I can sleep tonight ...
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