I had a Dentist Appointment today. The Appointment REALLY hurt! The Dentist gave me a lot more aneasthetic then he would in a normal patient has having spoken to my PM Doctor he said that with most of his RSD patients he suggests to use more aneasthetic to try and combat any side effects or reactions. The Aneasthetic didn't take unfortunately. The Dentist was going to just give me a filling but explained that the tooth is a lot more infected than it was a few weeks ago when I last saw it. The Nerve in my tooth is exposed into the air (Hence the reason why I have been in so much pain) and the Dentist had to keep sticking needles into my nerve - that really hurt and I nearly shot through the roof!!
My Dentist explained that because my tooth is so badly affected, I have to have a root canal (I am really dreading that!!), he explained that he would of extracted the tooth but he wants to try his best to save it if he can. My Dentist could see how much pain I was in so he has just cleaned the tooth and dressed it and also put a temporary filling in. I have to go back in 3 weeks for another filling (my teeth seem to chip very easily since developing RSD) and then I have to go back about 3 weeks after that to have the root canal.
My Dentist wanted to see how I react to this aneasthetic before doing anything else because of me having RSD. Hopefully the pain will settle down soon - I have just took a tramadol and it seems to be helping with the nerve pain in my tooth a bit (I just wish it would help the pain in my leg!!)
It's all fun to say the least ...
Hi Alison, I was doing some research about blogs that mentioned trips to the dentist when I came across yours. By a strange coincidence my mother suffers from RSD in her arm too. I remember when she was first diagnosed it was very hard to find any good information about the condition, even on the internet. I'm going to bookmark this blog and take a read of it later - you never know. Maybe there's something in here that will be of use to my mum! Thanks for writing the blog and keep up the good work.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog ... I hope you like it and find it useful. I'm sorry that your mum has RSD also, if you need anything i am here!
Of course, the dentist would really care about your feelings back then. If one dentist sees his patient suffering from pain, he would likely make it stop even just temporarily. How's that tooth now? Did your dentist manage to treat it? You should've been taking good care of your teeth since then.
-Sean Butcher
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