I went to school for 2 hours today. I am so tired now, I really hope I am able to sleep tonight!!! My leg is really aching, even though I have to use crutches my leg still hurts a lot, whenever I try to put any weight through it I get a really sharp, bad shooting pain.
I had Science and Geography today at School. In Geography we are learning about the Digestive System which is really interesting, I love Science and it is my ambition when I am older to become either a Psychologist or a Physio (PT). This disease has really opened my eyes and made me want to help others who are in the same situation as me. In Geography we had to do a test and I found it really hard!! I have a lot of difficulty concentrating and forget things really easily. Half of the questions in the Geography test I didn't know as I was out of school for almost 2 years!!! I spoke to my teacher and told him that I didn't know any of the answers because I have been out of school for a long time and he just looked at me stupid - he is a new teacher so doesn't understand what is the matter with me!!
At Break I was supposed to go outside with some of my friends to socialise but my friends didn't turn up!! I was sat in the School's Reception for 40 minutes on my own!! I saw the Disabillity Teacher (she looks after me) and she asked if I was OK, I told her I wasn't too bad but that my friends hadn't come for me, she said that she would go and find them but she never came back!! I really hope that the "newness" of me going back to school isn't wearing off now and that my friends are still going to help me.
Whilst I was waiting for my dad to come and collect me, I saw my Math teacher and she told me that I got a level 4C in a test that I did!! I am so proud of myself as I thought I did soooo well on the test as I didn't answer that many questions!! My teacher explained that the level I got was what most of the other kids got and they haven't been out of school for nearly 2 years!!
After school I was really exhausted so I came home and had a nap, I never realised how tiering school is!! This afternoon my tutor came to help me with some things, I really like my tutor, he is more of a friend than a teacher!! He did a lot of Algebra work with me, I find Maths really hard because of my Dispraxia but my tutor finds ways to try and work around that which is good. He is coming again tomorrow to help me with any homework that I have .... I have a lot of it!!
I also want to become a psychiatrist or PT!!! RSD has opened my eyes up too.
WOW Lauren, we have a lot in common lol. It's amazing how RSD changes a persons outlook on life. I really want to be a Psychologist/Psychiatrist working with people like us with Chronic Pain.
Love, Alison
We do hae a lot in common! Before RSD I wanted to become a Lawyer, but now a psycologist or PT is something I really want to do.
WOW, that's cool!! Before I got RSD I always wanted to be a vet and look after sick animals but now a Psychologist or PT is something I would love to do like you.
Thanks for reading my blog!!
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