I am sooooo tired, I didn't get any sleep last night what so ever due to what happened on the Forum, it was stressing me out way too much - I know I shouldn't let it get to me but it really has. I just can't believe that someone could be so rude and say something like that to me and the others!
My mum's just emailed me and told me that she spoke to the people at work about what was said on the forum yesterday and they were absolutely discusted. Where my mum works is a Youth Club and it has a lot of computer experts there so my mum asked if there was any way we could ban the person that said those rude things about me from the forum forever. My mum's friend knows quite a lot about computers and he has shown my mum a way to ban her from the forum forever - hopefully that way I wont be as stressed out and the forum will be a safer place to be!!
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