Brrrr!! You can really tell it is winter here!! It has done nothing but rain all day and of course, it has made the pain in my arm and leg sooo much worse!! It looks so dark and miserable outside and there is no sign on the rain stopping yet!! I am absolutely dreading the really bad winter months. Thankfully since I got RSD, we haven't had a really bad winter but according to the weather forecast (if you can actually trust it), we are in for a bad winter this year - yuck!!
London got some snow yesterday, my mums friend has gone with a load of kids and she said it was really cold!! Thankfully we haven't had any snow ... yet!!
Rain, rain, go away, come back ..... never!!
Keep warm and rugged up indoors, snuggle up with that pup of yours and I hope your house is nice and warm, there is nothing worse than trying to keep warm in a freezing house while having rsd (well actually I guess there is but you know what I mean lol).
Sending you big warm bear hugs though you know who and stealing some in return! Take care and I hope you get some warm winter sunshine to help break up the forth coming winter
Aww that's so sweet of you, thanks Felicia ((hugs)). I'm so glad you like the Me to You bear, when I saw it I thought of you straight away cos I know you like girly, feminine things!
The weathers a bit better today, it isn't raining thankfully but it's really cold. Am absolutely dreading the winter, as i'm sure you are also!!
Sending you gentle, pain free hugs
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