My mum allowed me to take the day off School today because i'm not feeling too well. I haven't been sleeping at all for the past few nights - last night I was sat on the computer at 2am talking to one of my RSD friends from the forum, Lauren (thank you so much Lauren for keeping me company!!). I have tried everything to try and make me get to sleep but nothing seems to be working at the moment. My nurse in London was supposed to be speaking to my PM Doctor and getting back to us but she never got back in touch and she said she would be in touch last week!
I emailed the School Psychologist last night to keep her up to date with how I have been getting on at School and also to share some of our concerns. I love my School Psychologist as she is really nice and helpful - she was the person that made me want to become a Psychologist, I just wish I got to see her more - I only see her about every 3 months but I can email her whenever I need to! She got back to me almost straight away and said that she is going to our School tomorrow so she is going to speak to some of my teachers about some of the issues that we are having to see if they could get anything changed to make things a bit easier for me. I told her most of the problems that I am having at School such as teachers not understanding, my friends never coming when they are supposed to, homework, noise affecting my pain levels, walking from lessons to lessons and the chairs in Science hurting my leg too much. Hopefully we will be able to get things sorted a bit better soon. My Psychologist is really good so I am hoping she will be able to get my teachers to make some changes that may help!! I will keep you all updated when she gets back in touch with me.
My mum spoke to her boss at work today about a Club that the Youth Club works for called 'Anxious and Phobic' or something like that. She spoke to someone at her work about it yesterday and they said that I wouldn't fit in however her boss said that it is quite a good club and that most of the children there are really nice and friendly. The Club runs 4-5 days a week for 3 hours per day and most of the kids that go there have some issues about school such as, they have been out for a long period of time and having trouble getting back into the swing of things (like myself), are being bullied, dislike school etc. I emailed my Psychologist about it to see what her opinion is. I really want to go to school but I just don't think it is going anywhere near as well as we expected it to...
My mum has the workmen in today. They are building an extension for us so that I don't have to keep going up and down the stairs whenever I need to use the toilet. The Builders have accidentially cut into the main water pipe for the whole of our street so no one on our street has any water now!! When the Architect drew the plans, he didn't put where the main water pipe was! The Builders are now 2 days behind schedual as a result!! I hope we can get things sorted soon!! The Workmen will be working on our house for about 10 weeks, my mum is also having a new Kitchen so they are fitting that for us.
I am pretty stressed today. I have so much going through my mind that I am fit to burst!!! I went to see my grandparents yesterday to give them the letter that Felicia had so kindly wrote for me (thanks so much Felicia!). My granparents NEVER asked how I was or anything, when I told them how I was doing, they would change the subject straight away. It really annoyed me. I didn't say anything to them face-to-face, I just gave them the letter, explained a little about Felicia and then left. The minute I got into my mums car I burst into tears, my grandparents just don't understand anything! I was crying for a good few hours. I really hope the letter will make my grandparents understand and make them open their eyes but if it doesn't, Felicia and myself tried our very bests so there is nothing else we can do. They haven't gotten back in touch with me yet, I figured that i'd give it a few days to let it sink in as it may come as a bit of a shock. If they don't get in touch then I will go and see them and tell them exactly how I feel and try my best to move on.
It wont be easy but sometimes it's better to try and move on...
I have to go to the dreaded Dentist tomorrow - yuck!! I have to have a filling and then I have to go back 2 weeks later to have yet another filling and a tooth pulled out. I have absolutely dreaded going to the dentist ever since developing RSD - it just scared me!!
Wish me luck!!
Glad you stayed home and rested today, I hope we can figure out a way to get to to sleep better...
I also hope the psychologist can sort out school so it is helping you rather than making things worse.
My fingers are crossed about your grandparents...I have a wee idea but I'll email you about it.
Thanks Felicia!!
I'm hopinng that the letter will help also, I haven't heard anything back from them yet but if/when I do I will be sure and let you know!
Thanks for everything ... I sent you a bit of something through the mail today
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